3 Things To Avoid When Building A Healing Practice

  1. You see business as a separate entity

Your business is an extension of you, it’s not separate. What it means is that every pattern you run in your life shows up in your business. Let’s say you were made to feel not good enough as a child. Well, guess what’s likely to hold you back in your business, because a part of you will feel that no matter how many certifications you have, it’s simply never enough for you to feel validated and valuable.

  1. You take things personally

In the early days of running a business, everything can feel personal. You might even fixate on your skills and your performance as the criteria of success. What if it’s not about you? What if your job is to be present and hold the space for transformation where magic unfolds?
I remember when I just learnt Reiki back in 2009, I was giving healing to a friend of mine in my office at law school. She was an absolute non-believer in any alternative therapies, but at some point she removed my hand to feel its temperature. My hands were warm but she couldn’t detect the heat of Reiki that she was feeling. When I put my hands back on her eyes, I willed for even more energy to flow out. When I told my Reiki Master about this incident she said the wisest words that changed the course of my healing practice: ‘Whatever needs to be given will be given and whatever needs to be received will be received.’ I just needed to get out of my way. It has become my mantra through years of practice.
You have no idea how the healing will translate into the person’s day to day life. You need to trust that whatever you do in a session is enough. That you are enough.

  1. Try to do everything by yourself.

I still do this. As a (recovering) workaholic, I struggle to delegate, because I can do most things in my business, but when I do ask for support (emotional, energetic and practical), things flow with so much more ease. I’m sure that you can do it all too but feeling held by someone you trust, especially energetically, can 10x your results.

P.S. I’m running a 5-week ‘Good Enough’ course that could help you to heal the core wounding that gets in the way of your business. You'd be surprised how much this pattern costs you. Perhaps you effort more or overcomplicate things, wasting precious time, energy and resources in the process. I hope you’re able to join me live. www.gularavincent.co.uk/good-enough

And if you join me by 10 May, you can receive one of the below events as a bonus.
1. Healing your relationship with your own womb. Live 3 hour masterclass to heal any stories of loss and pain (abortions, miscarriages, infertility, painful periods, traumatic birth etc) on 11 May at 4:30-7:30pm UK time/ 11:30-2:30 EST www.gularavincent.co.uk/womb 

2. Coaching call on Listening on 17 May at 1:30-3:00pm UK time/ 8:30-10:00am EST www.gularavincent.co.uk/embodied-presence This call will help you to be more present with yourself, your loved ones and your clients. I’ll teach you how to listen to energy inside and out.

With love


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